Halloween and Digital Marketing

At Goose Digital, we’re celebrating fall by dressing in Goose costumes (just us?) and going door-to-door for candy with the kids. It’s the same thing most Canadians do, but it wasn’t always that way! Halloween wasn’t considered much of children-and-candy holiday until the 1950’s. Just prior to that, it was more about the tricks, and less about the treats.
The History Channel released a neat 3-minute video worth sharing with your children on the history of Halloween. 2,000 years ago it was a Celtic festival known as Samhain celebrated on November 1. The night before Samhain, the Celts believed the dead returned as ghosts. They would leave food and wine on their doorsteps to keep roaming spirits at bay – hence the pumpkins we leave on our own doorsteps. They would leave the house wearing masks so that they too would be mistaken for ghosts – hence we wear costumes.
From these beginnings to a 6-Billion-dollar business (US), and the second most commercial holiday after Christmas, Halloween sure has come a long way! The winter holidays seem just around the corner, too.
Christmas is Coming
In Canada, the average shopper spends an average of $1,397 on Christmas (Bank of Montreal, 2011). Your business can get involved: seasonal emails, social media posts, and ads geared toward the seasonal consumer. View our Digital Marketing Services to learn more, or start today by getting in touch.