MBC Refreshes Their Site With Goose Digital

MBC, a top-notch IT support company servicing the Greater Toronto Area, came to Goose Digital asking that we redesign their website. MBC wasn’t quite ready for a site overhaul, but as they soon found out, small changes can go a long way.
The approach
Our team at Goose Digital put together a design package with lead generation in mind. We showcased changes that would take weeks – instead of months – to complete. These changes were structured around a user experience design including improved calls-to-action, a cleaner site, and a lighter overall feel.
The result
Our number two concern is that the client is happy.
Our number one concern is that our client sees positive results.
This refresh went exceedingly well; the client is happy, and the results are already starting to show. Join our newsletter (in the footer), and we’ll keep you posted with the result updates.
Stay tuned for next week’s related blog: Three ways to perk up your website in 2015.
Want to learn more? Download the Case Study